
name: ???
age: 20
birthday: ???

species: Anomaly
gender: Genderfluid; he/him
sexuality: Gay

Occupation: Vampire Hunter (Organization, former)


  • Clone
  • Sleeping Beauty AU
  • Kyou stands at a diminutive height of 5'0, giving off an impression of fragility. His slender frame emphasizes a delicate demeanor. The most noticeable aspect of his appearance is his unkempt, messy hair that appears to have been neglected for quite some time, strands falling haphazardly around his face.

    Despite the wide, brown eyes that dominate his face, there's an unmistakable weariness within them. Stress seems to be a constant companion for Kyou. Dark circles are present underneath his eyes, reflecting just how exhausted he truly is.

    Kyou is usually wearing something comfortable, clothing he can sleep in. Sweaters and sweatpants, sometimes pajamas. Anything loose he can move around with ease in.

    Tasked with something by an organization in the shadows, Kyou takes this job quite seriously. Whether it be detaining a violent vampire, or just performing health checks on those living peacefully, he does everything efficiently and flawlessly.

    But there's something about this organization that seems shady, and he refuses to disclose any details of what this job he speaks so highly of actually entails.

    Something is off about Kyou as well. His smile is synthetic, and the light doesn't quite reach his eyes. He always seems to have a hold on whatever emotions he has, if any, with his smooth laugh and vague remarks.

    Though what nobody knows is that he is truly, barely grasping it all. The Kyou they're faced with isn't the real him, but an idea of what a perfect Kyou looks like.

    Behind the mask is a boy who is internally losing it, obsessing over the smallest details of each mission. Addicted to praise, he carries out odd jobs without question, as long as they come from his owner. A boy isolated from the world above ground, sleeping while projecting his ideal self into the world with one goal in mind: "Find and kill the ones who ruined me."

    While awake, the real Kyou looks traumatized and exhausted. He cannot hold proper conversations, they usually end with him trailing off nervously and biting his nails to the beds. He's quite expressive, what he's feeling is as clear as day. He's always on edge, and easily startled. The vibe of a small, scared animal, in contrast to his clone's stronger personality. When calm, he's somewhat grumpy. Childish, yet kind at heart, he tends to brush off his kindness with "it's my job."

    What Kyou didn't seem to know is that his real enemy isn't those who wounded him in the past, but the organization, who continually hurt him under the guise of justice. The job slowly wears him down. And when there is nothing left, he will rebuild himself, in the name of the enemy who has long since left him behind.

    Coming from a rather dull family, Kyou never got close to his parents. Raised as an only child, he was usually alone, never bonding with anybody as his parents were always at work. A quiet, yet well-behaved child who was a little shy.

    He was eventually rescued by a mysterious group of people. He didn't know anything of them, except that they were supposed vampire hunters. Placed in a facility with other children like him, he was fed and given a bed to sleep in. He was well taken care of, for the most part. He built a connection with those around him, for once he had friends! Friends who had gone through similar things he had.

    That was ripped away from him when an experiment commenced. All the children were placed in the same room as a hungry vampire, and were ordered to kill him. One by one, the helpless children all died, until Kyou was the only one left.

    As the vampire seized him, he closed his eyes, thinking "I don't want to die, I don't want to die." The vampire suddenly dropped him, and Kyou opened his eyes to see another figure on top of him: somebody who looked exactly like him. While the confused vampire dealt with the clone, Kyou took the chance and drove the stake he was given through it's heart, finishing the task.


    shouldn't have any

    • He's weirdly good at arcade games, despite never playing them.
    • He gets motion sickness easily and can't be in a car for a long period of time.
    • He's fond of cute, small things, like animals, but denies it. Will stare at them enviously from afar.
    • Scared of thunderstorms, public spaces, horses, big dogs, cars, balloons popping, the ocean, lava lamps, and women.
    • Somewhat dramatic when it comes to love, he's a secret hopeless romantic. Maybe even yandere at his worst.