
name: Nemesis Batruel
age: 30
birthday: ???

species: Anomaly
gender: Ciswoman; she/her
sexuality: ?; Grey-Aroace

Occupation: Head Researcher (Organization)

Nemesis has white hair cropped short that's held in place by a subtle hairpin. Her complexion, as pale as freshly fallen snow, lends her an otherworldly aura, starkly contrasting with the intensity of her eyes and the purity of her hair.

Her eyes are captivating - a vivid shade of purple, they possess a magnetic quality, capturing and holding one's gaze with their depth and clarity. These eyes seem to possess a unique ability to observe keenly, reflecting light in a way that hints at both wisdom and mystery. They convey a silent understanding of the world around her.

Standing at 5'5", Nemesis possesses a slender frame that belies a strength and grace in her movements. She carries herself with a quiet confidence, often observing her surroundings with a thoughtful demeanor that hints at a mind constantly at work.

Nemesis is a figure of profound mystery, her demeanor shrouded in a veil of silence. Rarely does emotion color her expression; instead, she maintains a monotone visage that reveals little of her inner thoughts or feelings.

Nemesis moves with a calculated grace, each gesture deliberate and precise, as if every action is part of a carefully orchestrated plan. Her voice, when she chooses to speak, carries an abrupt monotone that matches her composed exterior, offering little insight into her true intentions or emotions.

Those who encounter Nemesis find themselves drawn to her aura of mystery, yet also unsettled by the impenetrable barrier she maintains around herself. She navigates social interactions with an aloofness that borders on detachment, leaving others to speculate about the secrets she guards so closely.

Nemesis exudes an unmistakable air of authority that commands attention wherever she goes. Despite her quiet demeanor and rare displays of emotion, there is an undeniable presence about her that demands respect and deference.

In social interactions, Nemesis maintains a poised and composed demeanor, speaking with a voice that carries authority yet remains calm and measured. She listens more than she speaks, her responses carefully chosen and delivered with precision. Even in moments of silence, her presence is palpable, leaving an impression of someone who is accustomed to leadership and command.

Nemesis harbors emotions that are complex, twisted, and often delusional, especially when it comes to matters of love. Beneath her composed exterior lies a turbulent sea of conflicting desires and obsessions.

Nemesis's love is not conventional or straightforward; it is characterized by an obsessive need to possess and control. Her affections may manifest as manipulative tendencies or a desire to dominate the object of her affection, driven by a belief that she knows what's best for them, regardless of their own desires or feelings.
