
name: Artemis Batruel
age: ???
birthday: ???

species: Pure-Blooded Vampire
gender: Cisman; he/him
sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: ??? (Organization)


  • Veldel
  • Artemis stands tall at 6'2", adding to his commanding presence. His height gives him an imposing yet graceful stature, enhancing his lean and built physique. Despite his lankier frame due to illness, his height accentuates his elegant proportions, making him appear both strong and agile.

    Artemis cuts a striking figure with his vibrant red hair cascading past his upper back, a fiery contrast against his fair complexion. His most arresting feature, however, resides in his piercing sky blue eyes, which seem to hold a depth of intelligence. Framing these intense eyes are thick eyebrows that convey determination.

    Artemis's face is characterized by angular features, most notably his sharp cheekbones. These cheekbones contribute to his sculpted appearance, giving his face a defined and chiseled look.

    Artemis presents himself as a social chameleon, adept at blending into different social circles and situations with ease. However, beneath this facade lies a darker side to his personality. He harbors narcissistic tendencies, often prioritizing his own needs and desires above others. His charm and wit can quickly turn into cutting remarks and jokes made at the expense of others, revealing a streak of cruelty and disdain for those he perceives as beneath him.

    Artemis is also remarkably cunning and mischievous, using his intelligence and charisma to manipulate situations to his advantage. He enjoys the thrill of outsmarting others and isn't afraid to bend or break rules to achieve his goals. This cunning nature adds an unpredictable edge to his personality, making him both intriguing and dangerous to those who cross his path.

    Artemis derives a distinct pleasure from playing with people's emotions and expectations. His enjoyment in toying with others stems from his sharp intellect and ability to read people well. He sees interactions as opportunities to test boundaries, manipulate outcomes, and exert control over situations.

    He may engage in subtle mind games, subtly pushing buttons or provoking reactions to see how others respond. Artemis thrives on the psychological dynamics of power and influence, often enjoying the challenge of outmaneuvering those around him. His behavior can be playful and mischievous, but there's also a darker undertone of enjoying the discomfort or confusion he creates in others.
