
name: Ares Batruel
age: 32
birthday: February 14 (Aquarius)

species: Anomaly; Impure Vampire
gender: Cisman; he/him
sexuality: ?; Grey-Aroace

Occupation: Vampire Hunter (Organization)


  • School AU
  • Ares stands at a modest 6 feet, his frame straddling the line between being somewhat built and leaning towards lanky. His unkempt black hair falls carelessly. His eyes are a piercing purple, a captivating contrast against his pale skin. He has dark circles under his eyes, as he rarely sleeps well.

    He wears a lobe piercing in each ear and often sports a black cap. His fashion sense is a mix of school uniform and office attire formality with a touch of edginess. Ares frequently wears black gloves, adding a mysterious vibe to his overall look.

    Ares is a character defined by monotony and an utter lack of expression. He has an eccentric way of speaking that tends to drive people away due to his odd demeanor. Ares is proper in his communication, but can be quite condescending as he views others as below him.

    He shows interest in things by expressing a desire to dissect them, or by simply becoming obsessed with them. Ares enjoys painting, but his art is photo-realistic and lacks creativity. Interestingly, the more obsessed he is with a subject, the more vivid and alive his paintings appear.

    Bluntness is Ares' forte, a skill that renders him utterly incapable of sugar-coating his words. His lack of tact, coupled with a penchant for choosing the most direct and unadorned expressions, makes him the last person to consult for gentle advice or comforting words.

    Beneath the layers of eccentricity lies Ares' unwavering devotion to his own rules and punctuality. His meticulous adherence to guidelines extends beyond personal conduct, as he navigates through his work with stringent precision. This commitment, however, comes at a cost, with Ares often being overly critical of himself, holding himself to impossibly high standards.

    Ares was born into an aristocratic family, his memories vague about his parents and younger sister. At age 8, a man arrived, claiming one of the family's children was to be his bride. Choosing Ares instead of his infant sister, the man killed Ares' parents before his eyes as they refused to let their oldest go.

    In shock, Ares asked about his sister. The man callously replied, "Somebody else will pick her up later, don't worry." Now, Ares faced an uncertain fate, haunted by the violent events that had shattered his once-privileged world.

    Ares became the man's child: he was adopted into the killer's family. The man's name was Artemis Batruel, a greatly feared, albeit stubborn man, and the Batruels were a long line of vampires. Artemis told Ares the truth—the boy had special powers that the family wanted to utilize. The family had a predicament: despite being vampires, they were not immortal. It was unclear if this mortality was from a curse or something else, but Artemis promised Ares that he'd prove useful.

    Aside from the sexual abuse Ares endured at the hands of this man, he studied like a normal child would and impressed the Batruel family with his intelligence. Artemis trained him to be aware of his own prowess: controlling liquids and prolonging the lives of those who are sickly. He took great interest in medicine and helping others. But as a young child, Ares knew nothing of what they did for a living, and he was kept ignorant of the Batruel family's activities until age 12. That night, he accompanied Artemis on his work.

    After murdering two people in the darkness of their home, Artemis bit both victims and drank blood from their necks. Then, he performed an act unlike any other seen in the world: biting down on his own arm and offering it for Ares to drink. Artemis seemed satisfied as Ares complied, drinking the vampire's blood in an almost intimate act. This was the night Artemis had passed some of his vampiric abilities onto Ares, whose latent power now ran rampant within him.

    He continued learning about medicine under various tutors—both human and vampire.

    Artemis frequently forced himself on Ares, pushing his ideals into the boy. In exchange for such pain, Artemis gifted Ares with books. Books full of art, music, literature; all things that made up a traditional education.

    When Ares was just 16, Artemis fell ill. Just as he had previously predicted, the family's curse of ill health consumed him. But Ares wouldn't let him die. Prolonging his life for two more years, Ares made the man who had turned his life upside down suffer.

    The curiosity soon got to him. Unable to take it anymore, he quit supporting his brother and, instead, dissected him. Piece by piece, Ares ate Artemis's body, leaving only the head, for he was terrified he would somehow become his dear brother if he were to eat his brains.

    A sick fascination with vampires is what he gained from years of studying anatomy and medicine. His dream to help others, his will to cure patients, that was just an innocent hope when he began his studies. Now, it was stained with Ares's sin, the ultimate crime that led him to losing his sanity.

    The truth of them was beyond anyone else's imagination. No one needed to know.

    Ares got his medical degree in his early to mid 20s. Unsure of what to do with it, as he no longer had the drive to heal people, he instead became a police officer. However, even this new position couldn't sate his desire to dissect. His sadistic actions grew worse with the more lives he took; he killed anyone who annoyed him in secret, ripping their heads off, taking bites of their bodies, and eating them whole.

    This lasted until the organization Artemis had relations with scouted him out and made him an offer he couldn't refuse. They could provide him with endless amounts of subjects for his experiments. Not only did he agree, but he quickly climbed the ranks in a matter of months.


    In his 30s now, Ares has been with the organization for quite a few years as a vampire hunter. He is highly regarded, though the organization struggles to find a suitable partner in crime for him due to his stubborn and off-putting personality. That is, until they pair him with a quiet boy named Kire.


    • Ares can manipulate all kinds of liquid, including blood. With a flick of his wrist, he can expand or shrink the liquid's mass. Expansion of blood can cause the subject to explode into gory pieces. He can also put liquids to a halt. Halting somebody's blood, specifically a vampire's, would make them frozen and unable to use their limbs.
    • Ares can control others' life force by either adding or removing "time" from them. If he removes others' "time", he gains more life force. The opposite, however, drains chunks of his life force. He does not use these powers too much.
    • It is unknown if this is a power or if he's just a really good artist. He is able to draw things straight from memory and onto paper. The drawings are photo-realistic, looking like he took the scene directly out of his head.
    • He is aware of his own eccentricity. However, he's completely unaware of his dissociative issues.
    • He uses his paintings to document his thoughts, as he is very forgetful. Suffering from a head injury as a child among other things left him with a terrible memory.
    • He has a degree in medicine, something biological probably. He's trained in first aid. "I decided against becoming a doctor because doctors want to save people, and I don't."
    • He's a former police officer.
    • He has cannibalistic tendencies, specifically a taste for vampires. Since he's consumed quite a few, he's accumulated their powers over time, leaving him as an impurity.